Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Hearts Of The Society of Animal Artists

Although the organizational body of the Society of Animal Artists currently has over 500 members from around the world, it's the SAA Presidents that are the real heart of the organization. In 1958, a group of artistic friends that regularly gathered to paint and sketch the animals at the Bronx Zoo decided to hold an exhibition highlighting their work rendered from the zoo. The public reaction to the exhibition at Burr Galleries was overwhelmingly positive. So much so, two of the friends decided it was time to form an organization to continue upon the success and promote the genre of wildlife art. They founded the Society of Animal Artists in 1960. 

From the inspiration of the founders to the present day, the SAA has been guided by nine dedicated individuals, who have graciously set aside their personal ambitions to focus on helping their fellow artists. I'm sharing with you a little bit about each one of these special people below. and have been fortunate to personally know six of them and experience their warm personalities and dedication to the SAA.

Patrica Allen Bott & Guido Borghi (Founders) 1958-1960

From March 30th through April 12th, 1958 "Animals In Bronx Zoo" featured the works of Walter Addison, Patricia Allen (Bott), Joseph Bell, Rosa Bonheur, Guido Borghi, Joseph Boulton, Paul Bransom, Berta Briggs, Benda Frey, Elisabeth Rungius Fulda, Charles Hafner, Harry Hoffman, William R. Leigh N.A., Ugo Mochi, Carl Rungius, Lloyd Stolper, Nell Van Hook, Clement Weisbecher, Allen Williams, and William Wilson. Many of these artists were founding members of the Society.

Founder Guido Borghi was active on the SAA Board of Directors until the early 1970s. Founder Pat Bott was active until 1993, additionally serving as secretary and treasurer.

Elizabeth Rungius Fulda 1960

Painter Elisabeth Rungius Fulda served as president only one year but worked on the Board until 1967. She came to America in 1905 to join her brother Carl who had been living there for ten years. Under his guidance, she did artistic animal studies at the Bronx Zoo.

Paul Bransom 1961 – 1976

Painter Paul Bransom designed the SAA Catasus logo and served the SAA until 1978. Paul enjoyed the rare privilege of a studio at the Bronx Zoo where he did much of his early work.

Albert Earl Gilbert 1977 – 1983

Painter Albert Earl Gilbert worked with the SAA board from 1974 until 1985. In addition to being the president, he also served as a vice-president for the SAA. Albert exhibited in 17 SAA Annual Exhibitions.  He would have been the first to be recognized as a Distinguished Signature Member.  A designation later adopted by the Society to recognize those artists whose work was juried into 15 or more Annual Exhibitions.

Joseph Vance, Jr. 1984 – 1994

Joe Vance was a painter who began serving with the SAA Board in the 1970s. He was active until 2015 when he graciously became an Emeritus Board member to make room for others. He continued to give advice and was valuable to the SAA with his foresight to save our historical documents. Joe also served as a treasurer for the SAA. He was the first SAA president to receive an Award of Excellence (the SAA's highest artistic honor). Joe was a Distinguished Signature Member having exhibited in 30 Annual Exhibitions. He was additionally recognized with the SAA Bott-Borghi-Bransom Legacy Award in 2005 for his years of devoted service to the SAA and a lifetime of achievement in the genre of animal art.

Charles Allmond, III 1995 – 2000

Sculptor Charles Allmond worked with the SAA Board from 1991 to 2012. Charles received seven awards including six Awards of Excellence in the SAA Exhibitions.  He was the first and only SAA president to have the honor of Master Signature Member bestowed upon him. He was additionally honored to be recognized with the SAA Bott-Borghi-Bransom Legacy Award in 2007.  Like his predecessor Joe, Charles exhibited in 30 Annual Exhibitions and was also a Distinguished Signature Member.

Francis Sweet 2001 – 2003

Fran specializes in scratchboard and was active with the SAA Board from 1999 to 2003. Fran worked with current Executive Director Wes Siegrist to create the SAA's first website in 2001. He received seven awards in SAA Exhibitions including four Awards of Excellence. He was recognized with the SAA Bott-Borghi-Bransom Legacy Award in 2007 and also achieved Distinguished Signature Member exhibiting in 21 Annual Exhibitions.

Leslie Delgyer 2004 – 2008

Leslie is known for her pastels and served on the SAA Board from 1988 until 2015. In addition to being president, Leslie served a long time as an assistant secretary and later as secretary to the Board.  She also exhibited in 15 Annual Exhibitions and achieved Distinguished Signature Membership.

Diane Mason 2008 – 2013

Diane works both in sculpture and scratchboard and has served on the SAA Board since 2005. In addition to being president, she has served as vice-president and treasurer, where she still currently serves. Diane has received two awards in SAA exhibitions for her sculpture and graciously sponsored awards for years. Diane's husband Bob, became the SAA's first Executive Director in 2010. They both maintain the SAA's financial stability.

Reneé Bemis 2014 – to Present

Reneé specializes in bronze sculpture and has worked with the SAA Board since 1995.  She was our longest-serving treasurer prior to assuming her current role as president.  She has received three awards in SAA exhibitions and has graciously sponsored a purchase award with her husband, Brian, for many years. Reneé is a Distinguished Signature Member having exhibited in 25 Annual Exhibitions to date.

Altogether, over 100 people have served on the SAA Board representing close to 900 artists!   These amazing people highlighted above have not only held a diverse group of worldwide artists together,  but have inspired them to collectively achieve something better.  Without these few leaders, the SAA would never have become the world's foremost association of wildlife artists.  It's exciting to see what the future holds for the SAA, and we're excited about returning to our roots at the Bronx Zoo in 2020 as part of our 60th Annual Opening Weekend festivities!

Until next time ~ Rachelle Siegrist for the SAA

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Society of Animal Artists Video Highlights from the 59th Annual Exhibition

I've put together for you, a short video showcasing the many exciting highlights during the Society of Animal Artists 59th Annual Exhibition opening weekend at the Briscoe Western Art Museum in San Antonio, TX this past September. So if you weren't able to attend and join in on the fun, this is your chance to see what you missed!

This year the prestigious SAA Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to most deserving SAA Distinguished Signature Member John Seerey-Lester! The award was given to him by SAA member Matthew Hillier, who gave a most informative and entertaining introduction for this amazingly talented artist.  Here's a video of Matthew's introduction and John's touching acceptance of this prized award. 

While several SAA members demonstrated during the weekend, as well as participated in talks and helped with the community mural project, a highlight was an interview with Master Signature Member, Carel Pieter Brest van Kempen. SAA member Terry Miller did a wonderful job interviewing Carel, delighting the audience with insights from Carel's creative process, while they also kept the audience laughing much of the time.  Here's an edited video showcasing highlights from Carel's delightful interview.

There are several other videos on the SAA YouTube channel as well for you to enjoy, and more will be added in the future.
~ () ~
Until next time ~ Rachelle Siegrist for the SAA


Friday, September 27, 2019

59th Annual Exhibition of the Society of Animal Artists Opening Weekend

Including participating SAA artists and guests, 375 people attended the opening for the Society of Animal Artists 59th Annual Exhibition at the beautiful Briscoe Western Art Museum in San Antonio recently! The picturesque museum sits nestled among grand cypress trees lining the historic Riverwalk, where the numerous trees and lush gardens all about give one a feeling of being in an oasis, making it a real treat to visit indeed!
While several artists, including myself, spent Thursday at the San Antonio Aquarium getting up close and personal with lemurs and other delightful critters, most SAA members and their guests arrived at the Marriott Hotel later that afternoon in time to attend the opening that evening. The reception was well attended and the museum was packed with excited attendees and patrons!  
Opening remarks were made by Michael Duchemin, Ph.D., the Briscoe’s Director, and SAA President Reneé Bemis. This year’s SAA student scholarship recipients were announced and we all enjoyed delicious hors d’oeuvres and drinks.  Then came the awaited time to view the exhibition which was arranged beautifully and an absolute inspiration to see in person!
The next morning a caravan consisting of dozens of wildlife artists, headed to Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch anticipating another great day! We made many animals very happy as our entourage tossed out piles of food while slowly driving along the scenic loop road. Thankfully it had cooled off some that morning and there was a delightful breeze as we went along feeding wildlife and taking numerous photos. I'm quite sure the animals thought for sure the paparazzi had invaded!
The group enjoyed a delicious and fun lunch at the restaurant located on the ranch with many of us taking another drive-through afterward.  It’s a wonderful park where you can certainly get up close and personal with their numerous resident animals while allowing great opportunities for taking perfect reference photos... a delight to wildlife artists indeed!
Most of us spent our free time visiting historic landmarks, swimming in the hotel pool, and strolling along the picturesque riverwalk nearby, and Friday evening at the hotel, we had a great time hanging out and relaxing during the pizza party and game night for the attending artists. The game "Who am I?" gave attendees a chance to guess the mystery artists, after Executive Director Wes Siegrist read aloud different artist's answers to a few unique questions, giving us a chance to get to know one another better.
The next day was abuzz with numerous activities, starting with the SAA members meeting, and after lunch, we were treated to a most insightful and entertaining interview with SAA Master Signature Member Carel Pieter Brest van Kempen.
SAA Board and Distinguished Signature Member, Terry Miller, interviews Carel.
The afternoon was filled with SAA artist demonstrations, live bird presentations and a community mural project in which SAA artists helped the kids paint. The public poured in and the Briscoe Museum had a tremendous turnout for the various activities and viewing of the SAA exhibition, and a flurry of activities kept everyone quite busy all day!
SAA Executive Director and Distinguished Signature Member, Wes Siegrist alongside SAA Signature Member Robin Huffman having fun painting with the kids!
SAA Signature Members, Cynthie Fisher, Kelly Radding and Tiffany Miller Russell demonstrated their techniques and many tried their hand at scratchboard!
That evening the air was filled with abundant conversation and laughter during the Annual Awards Banquet, and it was decided that Wes had chosen wisely with the caterer, as the food was truly delicious!
Following dinner, SAA Distinguished Signature Member John Seerey-Lester was awarded the coveted Lifetime Achievement award by the Society.  This amazingly talented artist, who has achieved so much throughout his career as an artist, even being Knighted at one point, brought tears to the eyes of many, as he graciously spoke of his love for the SAA in accepting his award. Afterward, this year's award winners were announced and can be viewed on the SAA website by clicking here.
John brought abundant laughter too in his acceptance speech (shown with his wife Suzie)
While attending board members including myself, spent the day in the SAA Board meeting, a group of artists got a chance to visit Bracken Cave located near San Antonio. With more than 15 million Mexican free-tailed bats, it's home to the world's largest bat colony, and I'm sure made for an awesome experience for those able to go!
The SAA would like to extend a HUGE thank you to the amazing Briscoe Western Art Museum for hosting the SAA’s 59th Annual Exhibition, and to the friendly staff that made it such a wonderful weekend for so many of us!
I'm currently working on producing a video featuring the exhibition at the Briscoe Museum and numerous highlights from all activities that took place during the memorable weekend and will share it on next month's blog.
Until Next Time ~ Rachelle Siegrist for the SAA

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Planning for the SAA's 59th Annual Opening Weekend

Yes . . . it may look like just an ordinary stacks of boxes and crates now, but alas very soon the staff at the Briscoe Museum in San Antonio, Texas, will work their magic transforming this collection of crates and boxes into an extraordinary exhibition to experience and behold, that being the upcoming 59th Annual Exhibition of the Society of Animal Artists.

Photos courtesy of the Briscoe Musem

The exciting, opening weekend festivities will begin this month with the Artists’ Reception at the Briscoe Museum (By RSVP only via the Museum) Thursday the 19th from 6 to 8pm. Friday the 20th, our attending members and guests will be going to the Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch for the day.  Then, that evening, attending artists will enjoy a pizza party at Springhill Marriott, after which we'll be playing a game . . . "Who Am I?" It should be great fun getting to know each other better!

On Saturday the 21st,  Society of Animal Artists (SAA) members and guests will gather for our annual meeting followed by activities that will take place at the Briscoe Museum’s Jack Guenther Pavilion.  Afternoon activites are open to the public and are scheduled as follows . . . 

• Noon – SAA Master Artist Presentation with Carel Pieter Brest van Kempen discussing his career and inspiration as an artist.
• Noon – 4:00PM – Ongoing Community Mural Project (SAA artists will be working with the public having fun and teaching kids and adults how to paint and mix colors)

The ongoing Community Mural Project will be a 5' x 10' project that the public, assisted by SAA artists, will start on Saturday, and will be worked on again at future Briscoe Museum community events.  Our executive director, Wes Siegrist, did the idea sketches for the mural. 

• 1:00 – 4:00PM* – Demonstrations by Cynthie Fischer (Scratchboard), Kelly Leahy Radding (Painting watercolor on vellum), Tiffany Miller Russell (3D Cut Paper) and John Seerey-Lester (Pending) *Times may vary

• 1:00 – 4:00PM* – Panel Discussion “How to Achieve Inspiring Reference” with Anni Crouter, Kim Diment, and Cathy Sheeter on how they collect reference, camera/equipment, field sketching/notation, zoos/animal refuges or game parks. How to edit photos, combine different photo reference to achieve believable compositions.
 *Specific time yet to be determined

Saturday evening, SAA members and guests will gather for our awards banquet at the Plaza Marriott.  We will also be doing a “Little Gem” exchange between members again this year.  This is where participants exchange small orginal works of art between themselves which is always a treat!

A BIG congratulations goes out to Tamara Pokorny on having your piece selected for the cover of the exhibtion catalog this year!

Until next time . . .
Rachelle Siegrist for the SAA

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Society of Animal Artists Works at Benson Sculpture Gardens

Marking the holes
While recently visiting friends and fellow member of the Society of Animal Artists, Diane Mason and husband Bob in Colorado,  I  had the opportunity to see first hand the process of installing a sculpture into a public park.  When we arrived at the park, the cement pad had previously been poured and allowed to completely set up.  Then they hoisted the very heavy sculpture up with thick straps attached to a small crane and lowered it down long enough to mark the holes for the bolts on the base.  After liftling the sculpture back up, they commenced drilling holes with the BIGGEST drillbit I personally have ever seen, and I was surprised at how quickly it did the job!

Using the BIG drillbit

Once they had the holes drilled, they slowly lowered the sculpture while carefully eyeing it and making sure everything lined up properly.  Then the holes were slowly filled with a special epoxy, before carefully lowering the bronze back down and the protruding bolts into place.  

Adding the epoxy and getting everything ready for the final setting

And voilà . . . it seemed like they had finished just mere minutes after starting, and there stood Diane's sculpture "Over-worked and Under-paid" looking very statley in its new home!  Located in Loveland, CO, Benson Sculpture Park is a beautiful city park which wraps around a couple of small lakes, and takes you through grassy areas and flower gardens, as you meander along the varius paved walkways.  Close to thirty SAA artists, past and present, have work on display in this beautiful park, so if you're ever in the area, I recomend a visit to check out the numerous sculptures there representing so many of our talented SAA sculptors!

Diane proudly stands by "Over-worked and Under-paid"

Here's a list of our currently active SAA members who have work in the park  . . .

Gerald Balciar
Tim Cherry
Martin Gates
Daniel Glanz
Sandy Graves
Laurel Peterson Gregory
Tony Hochstetler
Kim Kori
Ronald W. Lowery
Cammire Lundeen
Diane Mason
Walter Matia
Parker McDonald
George McMoingle
Leo Osborne
Dan Ostermiller
Louise Peterson
Carrie Quade
Don Rambadt
Sherry Sander
David Turner
Kent Ulberg

Until next time . . .

Rachelle Siegrist for the SAA

Monday, July 1, 2019

Exhibitions of the Society of Animal Artists

Carel Pieter Brest van Kempen, Charles Allmond and Bob Kuhn at the 2001 SAA Annual Exhibition at the West Valley Art Museum, Surprise, AZ.

With the Society of Animal Artists' 59th Annual Exhibition upcoming, I thought it would be interesting to share some of the SAA exhibition history with you.  There have been nearly 1,000 artists featured in the exhibitions to date.  The first was held in 1960 at the Burr Gallery in New York, NY, and up until 1980, the exhibitions were held in various galleries located in New York City.  

Louis De Donato, Michelle Daniels, Marilyn Newmark, Guy Coheleach, Leslie Delgyer, and Pam Coheleach at the 2003 SAA Annual Exhibition at the Hiram Blauvelt Art Museum, Oradell, NJ.

In 1981 the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, PA began the SAA's expansion into various regions of the United States and Canada. The touring aspect of the Society's exhibitions started in 1988 when the SAA recruited David J. Wagner to create and manage tours of artwork selected from their annual exhibitions.  To date, this includes over 100 venues!

In the SAA's history, over 70 artists have been selected by the juries 15 times or more to have their artwork included in the exhibition, and 25 artists have been featured in 25 or more!  SAA Master Signature Artist, Guy Coheleach, holds the current record of participating in 46 Annual Exhibitions, and he will again be featured in our 2019 exhibition! Marilyn Newmark (in the photo above with Guy) participated in 41 exhibitions before passing away.

Eileen Matias, Rachelle Siegrist (My first time attending an Annual Exhibition opening), James Coe, Tucker Bailey, John Pitcher, and Sue Westin enjoy a museum-style picnic in the Bennington Center for the Arts, Bennington, VT.

Artists & Artworks in the 2019-2020 SAA Tour
(Last month's blog had the list of all artists in the exhibition)

Adair, Sue deLearie - This Way to the Eelgrass! 
Beecham, Gregory A. - Winter Survivor
Bieler, Lucrezia - Covey of Quail
Birchill, Jeff - Gulf Coast Treasures
Bradshaw, Jeremy - Splittin' Hare
Brest van Kempen, Carel - Out Of Their Depth
Chen, Dan - Take Two to Tango
Coe, James - Cool Shadows
Cohleach, Guy- Mountain Flash
Crouter, Anni - Arabesque
Diment, Kim Rae - A Pair In A Partridge Tree
Doellinger, Mick - Incoming
Donahue, Mikel - Your Moment's At Hand
Dunphy, Kathleen - Wingbeats
Faust, Anne Senechal - Another World
Frentner, Rusty - New Life
Fullingim, Sharon - Busy Body V
Geise, Ann - Goats Galore
Glanz, Daniel B. - Soulful
Graves, Sandy - Gone Fishin'
Gylling, Gemma - Treasures of the Elkhorn Slough
Hakeem, Sherif - In Focus
Hillier, Matthew Simon - Under The Curl
Ingram, Alison - Red Kite and a Mob of Crows
Kellner, Justin - An Easy View
Kiehm, David - Who's Turf?
Laird-Lagassee, Janet - Eye of the Beholder
Martin, Roger - Circumstantial Evidence
Martone, Jeanette - Waiting
Matia, Walter - The Talk of the Town
Maxwell, Sally - Fading
Maynard, Chris Maynard - Amphibian Delight
Miller, Darin - The Old Garden Gate
Murray, Robin E .T. - Wolverine in Taiga
Murtha, Sean - Golden Grace
Nimmo, Timothy - Constellation
Pepin, Patricia - Swan Flower
Plank, Millie Whipplesmith - Smith River Canyon, Double Dippers 
Plishka, John - Feeding Koi
Pokorny, Tamara - Behold but Beware 
Rankin, David - Ranthambhore Ambush 
Rhymer, Paul - The Candidate
Rigsby, Jody - Hopnotized
Rogers, Julia - Elephant in the Room 
Rosetta - Settled In
Siegrist, Rachelle - Stealthy Approach 
Siegrist, Wes - Southern Sentinel 
Solberg, Morten E. - This Is Paradise 
Soos, Heather - The Fish Hawk 
Stajcar, Pati - Rushing Home 
Stauffer, Amy - I Believe I Can Fly 
Sussino, Mark A. - Ambush Point 
Thompson, Carol Lee - Inquisitive 
Thornton, Rita - Vulturine Guineafowl 
Tryggmo, Gunnar - Shimmer
Tucker, Ezra - Splendor of the Plains 
Ullberg, Kent - Lone Wolf
Walter, Bart - The Embrace 
Yablonski, Scott - Sunspots
York, Sherrie - Chasing Daylight


February 1 – April 15, 2020, Hanceville, AL
May 22 – September 13, 2020, Stamford, CT

Until next time . . .

Rachelle Siegrist for the SAA

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Join the Society of Animal Artists in San Antonio, Texas

SAA members and followers . . . Exciting events are scheduled for the opening of the 59th Society of Animal Artists Annual Exhibition being held at the prestigious Briscoe Western Art Museum this coming September 19th - 21st in San Antonio, TX! Activities will start with a members' reception at the Briscoe Thursday evening the 19th, from 6-8 PM. 

Then Friday the 20th, SAA artists and guests will be going to the Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch for the day, where we will enjoy a safari drive, petting zoo and more. Having been there once before, I know what a treat this will be for all who join us! Being able to ride through with windows down, whilst tossing out purchased food, brings the animals up close and personal, to say the least, making it an awesome experience! At times the Emus and Ostriches among others were checking out the interior of the car and I couldn’t believe it when I got a kiss from a zebra! 

Unlike most zoos where the animals are the ones in an enclosure, at this park, you are the one inside the enclosure, your vehicle, and the animals roam free! They have a wonderful variety of species and when we were there, there were lots of babies, obviously making it a perfect photo op for reference material. The landscape seen whilst driving the loop road is just as beautiful as it's furry and feathered residents, creating a most enjoyable experience!  That evening the SAA group will be having a pizza party at the Springhill Marriott hotel.

Two very friendly and curious residents at the Wildlife Ranch

Saturday the 21st will begin with a members' meeting from 9-11 that morning at the Briscoe Museum.   Different programs will take place during the day from 11:30-4 at the museum, and that evening the awards banquet will be held at the Plaza Marriott from 5-10. Of course, you can always enjoy one of the local attractions as well, such as touring the Alamo or taking a relaxing river cruise along the Riverwalk.  Here are a few websites for taking a cruise . . . Go Rio Cruises, River Boat Tours, and info about the San Antonio Riverwalk.  

Want to join in on the fun and excitement of the opening weekend then become a Patron Member today and come have a great time with the artists! The Society is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. All contributions are tax deductible.

The Society invites individuals and corporations to support us in our efforts by becoming Contributing Members. For those with a love of the animal kingdom and the art that celebrates it, Society patronage is an ideal way in which to contribute to the development of this important contemporary fine art form. The Society is a 501(c)3 charitable non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.
Contributing Members are entitled to the following benefits:
– All Society Newsletters and Annual Exhibition catalogs
– Invitation to attend annual exhibition opening seminars, presentations and Artists’ Reception for member and one guest
– Acknowledgment in the Annual Exhibition catalog
– Opportunity to sponsor individual art awards
Contributing Membership for 2019 is available in four categories:
– Patron Member $150-$299 – All of the benefits described above. 
– Sponsoring Member $300-$999 – All of the benefits of a Patron Member plus admission for member and one guest to the Annual Member’s Award Banquet at no charge. 
– Sustaining Member $1000-$4,999 – All of the benefits of a Sponsoring Member plus admission for two to all Member activities with a cost during the Annual Exhibition at no charge. 
– Partner Member $5,000+ – All of the benefits of a Sustaining Member plus an expanded acknowledgment in the Annual Exhibition catalog.

Click here for the Contributing Member Information and Application  (PDF 286 KB)

~ SAA Artists who have work in the 59th SAA Exhibition ~

Adair, Sue deLearie
Aja, Douglas
Alvarado, Fran A. H.
Anderson, Thomas
Bacon, Chris
Balciar, Gerald
Baumlin, John Perry
Beckner, Joy Kroeger
Beecham, Gregory A.
Bemis, Reneé
Bieler, Lucrezia
Birchill, Jeff
Bogy, Janice Gernhart
Bork, Beatrice
Bradshaw, Jeremy
Brest van Kempen, Carel
Caldwell, Robert Louis
Cameron, Clarence P.
Chen, Dan
Coe, James
Cohleach, Guy
Collins, Mark
Cook, Carrie
Cooper, Katherine
Crouter, Anni
Dedrie, Mark
Diment, Kim Rae
Doellinger, Mick
Donahue, Mikel
Dunn, Lori Anne
Dunphy, Kathleen
Engel, Camille
Faust, Anne Senechal
Fraley, Lynn A.
Freeborn, Gay
Frentner, Rusty
Fullingim, Sharon
Gandert, Jeff
Geise, Ann
Glanz, Daniel B.
Gleim, Lisa
Graves, Sandy
Gray, Peter Clinton
Gylling, Gemma
Hakeem, Sherif
Harada, Atsushi
Hedges, Patrick Graham
Hester, Sharon
Hillier, Matthew Simon
Hopkins, Margaret
House, Cindy
Huffman, Robin
Ingram, Alison
Kellner, Justin
Kidera, Brenda
Kiehm, David
Kondos, Michelle Valborg
Kori, Kim
Kratter, Paul
Lai, Ze Ze
Laird-Lagassee, Janet
Lalingo, Judy
Lockhart, Lynne
Mark-Finberg, Laura
Marshall, Pete
Martin, Roger
Martin McGuire, Jan
Martone, Jeanette
Matia, Walter
Mattson, Janis L.
Maxwell, Sally
Maynard, Chris
Miller, Terry
Miller, Darin
Miller Russell, Tiffany
Murray, Robin E .T.
Murtha, Sean
Nicholls, Calvin
Nicholls, Elizabeth Anne
Nimmo, Timothy
Offeman, James
Orlando, Ron
Osborne, Leo Ewell
Painter, Gerald J.
Park, Pokey
Pepin, Patricia
Peterson, Louise
Pettit, Bryce L.
Peyton, Anne
Plank, Millie Whipplesmith
Plishka, John
Pokorny, Tamara
Radding, Kelly Leahy
Rankin, David
Rhymer, Paul
Rich, Andrea
Rigsby, Jody
Robertson, Derek
Rogers, Julia
Russell, Jocelyn
Savides, Stefan
Seerey-Lester, Suzie
Seerey-Lester, John
Sheeter, Cathy
Siegrist, Rachelle
Siegrist, Wes
Sjöberg, Måns
Solberg, Morten E.
Soos, Heather
Stajcar, Pati
Stauffer, Amy
Stevens, Debbie
Sussino, Mark A.
Szatkowski, Frederick
Taylor, Kristine
Taylor, Mary C.
Tennison, James
Thompson, Carol Lee
Thornton, Rita
Thumbar, Chirag V.
Trent, Debra
Tryggmo, Gunnar
Tucker, Ezra
Ullberg, Kent
Vannoy, Sally
Walter, Bart
Ward, Heather
Wear, Marilyn
Westin, Sue
Woodall, Terry
Woodbury, Ellen
Yablonski, Scott
York, Sherrie
~ () ~

Until next time . . .

Rachelle Siegrist for the SAA